Naomi and Willemijn
We, Willemijn and Naomi, are restorative dentists in training and typical 30-somethings. We want to be the best version of ourselves and don't stop developing ourselves. We have learned a lot of extras after dentistry, take a lot of work and are as enthusiastic as possible in life. And we are happy to include you in that! We see the bigger picture. We look at the person behind the teeth and make a sound risk analysis and plan based on that. It is not only nice for the patient when you 'never have to go to the dentist', it is also for you as a professional. Make sure you can put the patient in control. That is honor of your work.

34 years young, living in Muiden with my beloved Jeroen, daughter Bo and son Jules
Core values
Open, Informal, Passionate, Driven, Cheerful & Engaging
I graduated in 2012 as a dentist at the Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam. Because I soon saw that sometimes my own and other people's restorations break down in an apparently perfect dental arch, I started with prosthodontic recesses. Both in the field of composite (Geneve – Dr. Didier Dietschi), surgery (Munich – Dr. Hurzeler/Zuhr), autotransplantation team Utrecht (PRO Rotterdam) and functional dentistry (United States – Dr. John Kois). I apply this in practice on average one full day per week. I often hear from patients that they were about to study dentistry, I talk so enthusiastically about my profession and try to make them a bit of a dentist myself.
I have always mixed in association structures and various training courses. Both in the field of giving speeches, team training, team bonding and team building. I am on the feeling. A strong undercurrent shall we say. That has cost me mountains of energy for years, but since I have been able to use it, I have been able to enthuse, bind and connect people

34 years old, living in Amsterdam, but currently spending a year in Sydney (till September 2023), with my beloved Nick and sons Guus and Felix
Core values
Powerful, Driven, Passionate, Direct, Precise & Enthusiastic
I graduated in 2011 at the Academic Center for Dentistry Amsterdam as a dentist. After some work experience, I found out that the more you know, the more difficult and complicated the profession becomes. That is why I would like to find out as much as possible. I develop very extensively in the field of dentistry: functional dentistry (US – Dr. John Kois), surgery (Dr. Hurzeler/Zuhr) (teacher direct composites in the posterior area at 3M), as well as in policy and managerial areas (was a dentist director at Cooperating Dentists).
Because little time is spent on business management and development during the dentistry study and this is inextricably linked as far as I am concerned, I also completed a Young professional MBA in 2016. With the help of this MBA I learned to develop a broad view of the (healthcare) market and to strike the right chord when it comes to managing and collaborating in a team. I am highly analytical and know how to take a partnership to the next level